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Ginger Duck Hotpot : Winter season hotpot in Taiwan with family and friends!

When speaking of hotpot, normally we will think of mala or pork/chicken base hotpot soup. However, in Taiwan especially winter season, ginger duck hotpot (姜母鸭) will be the local's top choice as ginger is believed to have a warming effect on the body, along with Chinese herbs and spices added on the broth to combat the cold temperatures and strengthen the immune system, making the dish hearty and satisfying.

Today, I will be reviewing one of the outlets of the top chain store selling ginger duck hotpot in Taiwan, 霸位姜母鸭 (Ba Wei Jiang Mu Ya).

Nice looking lanterns in the shop!

This is what we ordered.

Additional hotpot items are thrown inside

The ginger duck hotpot (300NTD, est $13.5SGD) is present on an old-school Chinese medicine-style pot with a piping hot, delicious aroma that filled the air. The broth was a rich golden colour and had a deep, savoury flavour that was enhanced by ginger and other spices. Inside the hotpot, we saw the ingredients slices of ginger, Chinese herbs and half a portion of duck meat with bones. The duck meat was cooked with a tender texture and a rich, meaty flavour that paired perfectly with the broth.

meats and bones from the hotpot

As soon as we added vegetables such as mushrooms and cabbages inside the hotpot, an extra layer of texture and flavour came out from the dish instantly. The broth changes from a very meaty aroma to a well-balanced, light refreshing aroma, making it even more enjoyable. Also, the broth is free to refill!

Free Refill!

Some of the hotpots items I would like to recommend :

  • Mee Sua aka wheat vermicelli (Forgot to take a picture). (40NTD per plate, est $1.8SGD)

A big plate around a serving of 2 soaked with light soya sauce and sesame oil. It goes very well dipping with the broth

  • Duck meat slices (70NTD 10 slices per plate , est $3SGD)

The meat was tender, excellent meat-to-fat ratio. Akin to pork shabu shabu slices. There is a slight duck gamey taste on it.

  • Duck meat ball (70NTD per plate, est $3SGD)

Looks handmade and to much surprise, this is very chewy and flavorful, might even beat pork balls in some bar chok mee stall. This also has the duck gamey taste on it.

  • Duck's blood (70NTD per plate, est $3SGD)

Cannot be found in Singapore as this dish was banned. The texture is like tofu with a slight meat taste that's all I can describe.

Dare to eat?


The total bill was 1490NTD, which was est. 66 SGD for 5 people. Very affordable and the portions were huge. Other items which are not mentioned are either vegetables or drinks.


I would recommend this dish to any hotpot lovers who want to try a different style of hotpot in Taiwan. The broth was warm and nourishing, and the duck meat was hearty and filling, making it the perfect meal for a cold winter day. There have a lot more items we did not try as we are too full. One small minus would be the duck meat gaminess may be too strong for some people.

Rating: 4 out of 5 forks


MRT: 5 mins walk from Shuanglian MRT Station (Red Line). Look out for Exit 1 and walk straight along Minsheng W road. Look out for Ningxia Night Market too as you will be passing by!


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